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SMI: la scelta di Kassatly Chtaura

L’azienda libanese Kassatly Chtaura, la prima ad imbottigliare lo sciroppo di Jallab con moderni impianti di produzione, investe continuamente nell’acquisto di macchinari di ultima generazione.


Il Jallab, realizzato con carruba, sciroppo di frutta, datteri, melassa e acqua di rose, è tra le bevande più conosciute in Libano; è un toccasana per reintegrare le energie ed idratarsi e, per questa ragione, è spesso consumato durante il Ramadan.

Per far fronte alle crescenti richieste del mercato, l’azienda Kassatly Chtaura si è rivolta a SMI per automatizzare il processo di imbottigliamento e confezionamento, precedentemente eseguito a mano, acquistando un sistema ultra-compatto ECOBLOC® ERGON 2-9-3 K EVdestinato alla produzione di nuove bottiglie PET da 1 litro e 2,65 litri, più leggere di quelle utilizzate in passato.
L’impianto installato da SMI è apparso subito la scelta più idonea per le esigenze dell’azienda libanese, dal momento che le macchine della serie ECOBLOC® ERGON K EV sono tecnologicamente all’avanguardia, energeticamente efficienti e, dunque, adatte ad ottimizzare i costi di produzione di lotti stagionali e personalizzati.

I plus della soluzione SMI





The choice of Kassatly Chtaura

The Lebanese company Kassatly Chtaura, the first one to bottle Jallab syrup in modern production plants, constantly invests in the purchase of latest generation machinery.

Jallab juice is one of the most well-known drinks in Lebanon, made from carob, fruit syrup, dates, grape molasses and rose water; drinking jallab syrup at the end of a day of fasting becomes an elixir to replenish energy and re-hydrate and, for this reason, it is often consumed during Ramadan.

To face the increasing market demand, Kassatly Chataura turned to SMI to automate the bottling and packaging process, previously carried out by hand, by purchasing the ultra-compact ECOBLOC® ERGON 2-9-3 K EV system, to manufacture new PET bottles of 1 L and 2.65 L, which are lighter than those used in the past.
The equipment installed by SMI immediately seemed the most suitable choice for the Lebanese company’s needs, as the cutting-edge ECOBLOC® ERGON K EV series stands out for advanced technology, energy savings and, therefore, it is suitable for optimizing the production costs of seasonal and bespoke batches.

The advantages of SMI solution

Rotary, high efficiency stretch-blow moulding system equipped with motorised stretch rods, which presents considerable advantages compared to linear blowers;

Ultra-compact plant, which clusters the stretch-blow moulding, filling and capping operations of PET bottles in a single block and does not need a rinser or airveyors between the blower and filler;

Quick and precise filling and capping processes, thanks to the electronic control systems and the use of high efficiency valves driven by flowmeters;

Low energy consumption of the blower, thanks to a preform-heating module equipped with energy-efficient IR lamps and to a blow-moulding module equipped with a dual air recovery system, which allows power cost cutting in connection with high pressure compressed air production;

New frame with a modular design, with no part welding, equipped with very resistant and time lasting safety doors made from reinforced glass;

EASY-CAP gravitational cap orientator, which collects plastic caps from a hopper and only carries those ones being correctly set way up; it is suitable for lots of different plastic caps and is suitable for any layout solution;

Re-design of PET bottles: thanks to a better material distribution on the container body, the veining of the surface and the presence of some geometric elements, it was possible to create a lighter bottle with economical and eco-friendly advantages.



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